Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More adventures in cake decorating

This was my first attempt to decorate a cake for somebody. Monday was Sarah's birthday so it was a perfect excuse for me to practice my new skills. I actually had a grand idea in my head to do 3 mini cakes but it didn't quite work out.
This would be why the idea didnt quite work. After planning it all out in my head and then drawing it on paper...my icing was too stiff when I tried to ice the cake. Stiff icing does not exactly work when trying to spread it on a cake. It was ugly but it still tasted good!
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Heather said...

How'd you make the writing so pretty? It looks great!

Mandy Mc said...

Marie, I am super-duper impressed. The b'day cake it beautiful. And, how DID you make the writing so pretty?

Marie said...

Ladies, I must confess...I had a stencil that I just traced with icing.

Heather said...

That's a great trick!

Jennifer said...

Way to go Marie. You are doing a great job.