Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day with The Father: God, Me, and my ipod.

I didn't go to church today...I know,I know I'm a heathen. After an exhausting week of playing tour guide then working all weekend I just needed to sleep in. Plus, the thought of sitting down and listening to someone talk for an hour was not very appealing. After I got up I decided I needed to go work out and get a few things done today but the thought of walking on a treadmill inside made me sad. So, instead of going to the gym I went to Rockland lake. While I work out sometimes I like to listen to sermons. So I set my ipod to a Safe Harbor Sermon I had not listened to yet and I started walking. As I walked I very quickly noticed all the families that were out at the lake today cooking out and playing games. I began to feel a little sorry for myself that I was all alone walking around the lake while my family was back in Alabama together celebrating Father's Day. I then began to think about the fact that this is not the first holiday that I have spent by myself and certainly won't be the last. Because of the life that God has called me to, I will be a part from my family and friends for the majority of the time. I began to pray and I felt the presence of God with me and I suddenly did not feel so alone anymore. I felt a real peace and comfort that God was right there with me and I would never be alone.

About half way around the lake I came to a another large section of families enjoying eachother. I felt very joyful for them and how fortunate I am to live in such a diverse place. It was beautiful to look around and see people of all nationalities celebrating in thier language and in thier own way.

Towards the end of my walk around the lake I saw some swans resting in the water so I decided to sit on a bench and watch them. As I sat and praised God for the beauty around me I realized that as much as I see myself as a tiny ugly duckling, God sees me as His beautiful swan. After swimming around for a few minutes they decided to fly. I don't think I have ever really watched swans take off out of the water before. It was very interesting to see how they started flapping thier wings really hard just to get thier feet on top of the water. Then they actually run on the water for a few feet until they can get enough air under thier wings to actually take off in the air. Once they are in the air they still have to flap thier wings really hard to get up enough air under thier wings to soar above the lake and really fly. It was a beautiful site that I was very fortunate to see. I also noticed though that after all the hard work to just get up in the air they still had to work once they got up there. They floated for a few seconds but then they would have to flap thier wings to keep them in the air and then float for another few seconds. It was a continual cycle but I am sure well worth it just to be in the air flying.

After they left I continued on my walk but I kept thinking about the swans. Thier taking off is really symbolic of a Christian's life. We could be content to just float along in the calm cool water all day and just be the cookie cutter little Christian that we have always been. Or, we can begin to flap our wings by spending time with God and put a little more effort into KNOWING him. After flapping our wings for a little while then we can finally have the faith to not walk, but run on the water with the promise that He is the air under our wings and he is going to lift us up to new heights. Finally, after our faith is strong enough we can fly and rest on the Wind of our God, never forgetting to spend time with him to continue building up that wind underneath us.

I'm so thankful that I have a Heavenly Father that sees this tiny, awkward, ugly duckling as His Beautiful, graceful, swan and who is willing to be the wind that carries me. This promise is why I am willing to go wherever He takes me.


Unknown said...

That was beautiful! I sometimes feel closer to God when I am outside. In fact I have planned a day at the local state park just to spend in prayer. I find myself closer to God when I am outside observing his creation. He can teach us so much.

Susan said...

I love you, Marie, and I'm glad I get to see you soon.

Bekah said...

Wow. I have been bombarded by some deep spiritual revelations this morning from unexpected places...Maybe I need to spend some time in prayer and study. A walk by myself would be good...anybody free to babysit?

Unknown said...

Marie, I love you, and reading this was wonderful.. It also made me miss you and everyone else even more. I hope you have a wonderful summer, and I am so looking fwd to spending more time with all of you this fall!

Heather said...

At the risk of sounding like everyone else, I'll say: this really was beautiful and I love you and can't wait to see you!

Shana C. said...

That was an awesome revelation! And you're really making me miss Rockland lake:( Will you take my rollerblades back with you so I can live vicariously through you??

Marie said...

Thanks for the comments guys. I miss all of you and can't wait to see you! Shana, rollerblades sound great!

"The Transplanted Yankee" said...

Marie - you have no idea how much I needed that last paragraph. If you read my last post, you'll see why. I'm not sure if we'll get to meet you when you're down here - we'll be in Florida on Covenant Sunday (boo...). How long will you be down here? We want to meet you at some point!!

Thanks for your insight...:)