Sunday, April 01, 2007

Stanley Cup Here We Come!

I am officially a hockey fan now. Some of us decided during the Super Bowl that we wanted to go to a pro hockey game because several of us (me included)had never been to one. I had never even watched hockey on television. I must is quite exciting. There were no big fights today with the players but we did see several screaming matches between some fans. It was also very obvious that the New Jersey Devils HATE the New York Rangers. They were playing the Boston Bruins so there was no need to mention the Rangers but ever so often the crowd would scream, "The Rangers Suck." I still can't figure out how they all new to do it at the same time. I guess I will just have to go back to investigate further. The Devils are actually really good. They are pretty much the team to beat right now I think. We had nose bleed seats but they are actually the best because we got to see everything that was going on. If you ever get a chance to go to a pro hockey game I would take it! It is way fun. Our next pro game will hopefully be a Yankees game. Opening Day is tomorrow! Go Yankees!


Heather said...

I think it would be easy to be a hockey fan. I went to a game once and there's definitely something fun about it. And I think the rules are even pretty easy to figure out.

Marie said...

Yeah, the rules were pretty easy to figure out except the fact that I kept comparing it to field hockey and there are some definant differences.

Bekah said...

That was so hilarious! I love reading about your life :) What's funny is that that whole Devils/Rangers thing was on Seinfeld (years ago)--I think. I know it was the Devils and I think it was the rangers (if they've been NYC team for awhile now then it was) Elaine was going to the Rangers/Devils playoff game with Jerry and her boyfriend (hilarious) Putty. Putty was a huge Devils fan (face painter and all), whereas the rest of them were Rangers fans and had seats in the middle of other Rangers fans. it if you can. Love you!!!

Marie said...

I think I remember that episode. It is a very interesting rivalary.

Criddy said...