Friday, February 16, 2007

What did you do on your snow day?

That was the question of the day on Valentine's day here. Answer...I studied! But I had something to look forward to...Summer in Australia!!! I am leaving for the airport in just a few minutes but I wanted to post a few pictures from the winter storm from the past week. If you don't hear from me for the next 10 days don't worry. I am alive...I'm just on the other side of the world.
I took this picture at the height of the storm. You can't really tell ice is falling from the sky. I was looking forward to going out and playing in it but I decided against it. I had to go outside to move my car so It would not be covered in snow from the snow plow. I was out there for about 10 minutes and that was enough for me. I like snow, but ice is no fun.
You know how in the south people paint thier windows at Christmas time to look like they have snow on them. Well...I had the real thing. This is the snow on my window seal.
This is the snow on Thursday night. It is not as much snow as chuncks of ice. We can walk right on top of the snow without even sinking into it because it is so hard. It's not fun to try to get your car out of this kind of stuff. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a lot of snow!! Clark would have loved it and I would have hated it! :) We can't be more opposite, but that means it's never boring!! Have fun in Australia :)

Bekah said...

Ugh! Well, at least if its gonna be cold, it might as well snow. That's what I hate about the south. Cold but nothing else. :( I hope you have a super time in Australia. Take pictures, I know you will ;)