Sunday, January 29, 2006

Can you believe it?

I now have a blog. I am not sure how often I will actually post but I have one. Jennifer suggested today that I should start one. My arguements were that I didn't have anything interesting to say and I didn't know what to name it. Well, Jennifer very quickly told me that I could talk about my church's missions conference(more on that later). Josh helped me out with the second excuse. He told me that I should name my blog "Miller Time." Well, as clever as that is I don't really think I want to name my blog after a beer slogan. Thanks anyway Josh. The final decision was made when I tried to comment on Christy's blog and I couldn't because I didn't have a blog. So, now I have one!

Ok, so any suggestions on a name for my blog? Maybe we could have a contest. I don't really think I could give anybody a prize but you would get recoginition on my blog.

On my next post I will try putting a picture on here. Baby steps you know.


Jennifer said...

hurray for Marie's blog!

Susan said...

Marie... I am SO excited. "Miller Time" makes me laugh. I will think about what else it could be.

Jennifer... I am glad you are good at peer pressuring your friends.

Unknown said...

How about Missions Marie...You could blog about your everyday life but also about missions around the world. I do not know of any blog that focuses especially on missions. I would also suggest that you put up "word verfication" it limits the number of "bad" comments that you will get.

S-B said...

Hi Marie,
Welcome to the world of blog.

Jennifer said...

I veto Missions Marie. That will but undo pressure on your posts. You'll feel like they need to serve an actual purpose, not just be fun. Marie on a Mission, maybe. Then you can put anything up.

Susan said...

marie on a mission... that's fun.

czech out the fun announcement of your blog on my blog... i had to go back and edit it to leave you a special message.

Heather said...

It seems that peer pressure girl is also good at creative names. I like Marie on a Mission and I'm glad you now have a computer and a blog! Everyone know that I just might be the suckiest at updating, so don't feel bad if you don't post all the time. Yeah for Marie!

Melissa said...

Marie - I'm proud of you. baby steps. you make me laugh. the missions conference was excellente, by the way. thanks for all of your hard work!

hmm...a name for the blog...Marie on a Mission is a definite possibility...maybe something with slappy hands. lol. how about marie for president? or Marie: SWF. good luck with the blog name. can't wait to see what pictures you might post.

Anonymous said...


What about M&M or peanut M&M's?
The M&M spot! Or it could be really complicated and go something like this..... Marvelous Marie makes memorable missons!

I think you should call it Cloud Nine and post a picture of a carebare in your photo spot!!! Or....Marie making many marvelous missions.

Here are more words you might can arrange and use. Mighty, mostly, miscellaneous, mischievious, maddness, Magical, magnanamous,mail-ordered, motherly, Mango-munchin-Marie, Marketable Marrieable Marie,
moody, masterful, miraculous, anyway you get the jest of it right? Have fun will be checking it out later.
Aunt Patty and Maggie

Unknown said...

Ok...I have to admit...My name was not that great...But I do like Marie on a Mission...And M&M..Who doesn't like those little candies?

Meg said...

Take Flight Marie! That really essentially says it all. I cant wait to hear how the conference went. Did you find music?

Marie said...

I am so happy that everyone is so excited about my blog. I Don't have any time to play on the blog tonight so a name and pictures will have to wait till tomorrow.

Luke, I did figure out how to do word verification. Thanks for the tip.